Thursday, September 18, 2008

Time flies...

When you're having fun or not. So the first two weeks of September have flew right by. Working on my work-study applications and attending Career Info Days downtown have kept me a very busy person. Not to mention all the course readings and assignments that are starting to pile up.

Learning from my mistakes last year, I know I definitely need to plan my time better and avoid procrastination. Setting realistic goals and making "to do" lists have been helpful in the past. But I have to be careful this year so my lists don't get too long. In addition, AA&CC also offers a bunch of helpful seminars including Extreme Time Management and Reading & Notetaking that I really recommend to everybody. And if you're like me and not so great with multiple-choice questions, you definitely want to check out Mastering Multiple Choice Tests & Exams. Sign-ups are available on the Intranet, nice and easy. Oh yeah, and going to these workshops and seminars can earn you stamps towards a Study Skills Success Certificate which looks great on my wall right now.

Remember "study smarter, not harder!"

Good luck everyone!


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